Bento for bibliography

Just a thought: how would Bento perform for managing a list of bibliographic entries? A la papers.I’m guessing one could create an appropriate template which would include authors, journals, and a link to the relevant PDF or URL… A Bento bibtex-importer would definitely help if this is doable. After a few minutes of use… don’t think it’s gonna happen. 

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2 Responses to Bento for bibliography

  1. David says:

    I too was thinking this, but maybe it’s better done in Filemaker Pro. I’m moving over my science protocols, lab books, subject data into filemaker and I had though maybe I should use filemaker ala “Papers” (MekentosJ) – after all that’s just a database too.

  2. Raffael says:

    I was thinking as well about Bento as a notes database. However, I figure that Filemaker Pro is more useful for the task because of (1) scripting for import and export and (2) the relational database model. I think Bento only supports one table. With more elaborate crossreferencing, a relational database comes in handy.

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